Friday 28 October 2016

Basic punctuation Do's and Don’ts of Content Writing

Top Primary Rules for Writing Web Content

Punctuation plays very important role in giving intended meaning to the language. Use of wrong punctuation can change the meaning of the sentence completely and sometimes even convert the sentence to complete nonsense. While writing web content, writers must understand the importance of punctuation. So below are given some primary rules for writing web content.

If you’re writing a blog and talking about specific business or a site, hyperlink them. Writing URL of the site doesn’t look nice and is not considered as a hyperlink.

Quotation marks (“”)
They are used to mark out speech or when quoting someone else's speech. Always put your punctuation inside your quotation marks.

Commas (,)
It is a pause before proceeding. Don’t be afraid to use them. It separates structural elements of sentences into more manageable segments.

Semicolon (;)
They may not be particularly well suited for web writing. A semicolon is used to join two or more short sentences into one longer sentence. They don’t always lend themselves to more direct sentences.

Hyphen (-)
A hyphen is used to connect individual words within a compound word. The general rule of thumb: Do not hyphenate unless it serves a specific purpose. Whenever unsure whether to hyphenate a word or not, just Google it. Words such as check-in, e-mail, and father-in-law, are always hyphenated.

Headline style capitalization entails capitalizing the first word of all important words in the title and subtitle. 

Slash (/)
Many people use the slash instead of or, and etc., but this is not always helpful to the reader. 

Numbers from one to nine should be written in words rest in digits.

Remember that writing for online readers is not the same as writing for print publications such as magazines and newspapers, because you never know who is reading your online content.

Friday 21 October 2016

6 Tips For Writing SEO Friendly Blogs

A blog is a friendly conversation with your readers that will enlighten plus entertain them. It is not a lecture or a tirade where you can pester your audience. It consists of discrete, often informal diary-style text.

Here are 6 tips on How to Write SEO Friendly Blogs:-

1. Write about the things that inspire you

A Quote by Robert Frost states, “No surprise in writer, no surprise in the reader.” A person can only write something nice if he/she is passionate about it.

2. Delve into the topic

Before you start writing, research, talk to people, listen to their views or observe the things related to the topic. Take ten minutes to write everything that comes to your mind. When finished, reread what you’ve written and try to find some useful ideas from the effort.

3. Intriguing first sentence

The inaugural line of your Blog must be catchy as it will decide the reader wants to continue reading or not. Use some quotes, statistics, facts, and poetry.

For example- Are you looking for…? Or a Quote by William Shakespeare states,” We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”

4. Be precise

Try to keep your sentences short and paragraphs shorter, if possible. A long body of text is scary so try to specific.

5. Unique content

The content of your blog must be 100% original; it should not be copied from anywhere.

6. Talk to your readers

Try to write like you are actually having a conversation with the person. Like, in real life you would use words like “you” and “I” so use them in your blog too.